Biz San Diego – Executive Profile (2008)
Biz San DiegoI MAY BE IN THE MINORITY, BUT I MUST ADMIT THAT I SLEEP VERY WELL! Due to a conscious effort on my part to practice business in a way I can consistently be proud of, I have found that I have greater peace, of mind. This is not to say that the moment I wake that my mind isn’t racing with new ideas. innovative approaches and my to-do list, because believe me, it is. But by this time I am awake and ready to tackle whatever comes my way. The one thing that I do think about at night is what I have accomplished that day and what I can do the next day to make more connections for my clients. have found that running on the beach with my dogs_helps to inspire great ideas.
I have always thought that the phrase 410w can they sleep at night’ has a negative connotation, meaning that there should be something that they should be worried about or a less than honorable deed that they have on theft conscience. I decided long ago that I would keep my mind clear and focused, pondering only upon ideas that I could do something about. That way, I don’t lose sleep and ruin my next day’s productivity. Instead, I awake refreshed and welcome the challenges that are sure to come my way.
William Lopez is originally from Chicago, but well forgive hm. Hes the founder of Alternative Strategies. a local marketing communications firm. With offices in San Diego and Chicago, Alternative Strategies has been recognized in the fields of marketing and advertising with numerous awards and honors from the American Marketing Association, Summit Creative Awards, American Design Awards and others.